Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Hari Raya pictures of me!

That's my family at Aunty Zeti's house. Can you see my cousins Reza, Aliyah and Misha?
Do you like me better in green or red baju kurung?
My funny face!
My Aunty Didi is very pretty rite?!

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2008

That's me in traditional Baju Kurung on the 1st day of Hari Raya - handsome right?!!
We visited my great-grandmother, she's old.
That's me at my Nyai's house with my Tok Aim.
And me with my Wak Anis and Uncle Bart.
Me with Aunty Didi and Uncle Adam, and my sisters of course.

My two beautiful sisters, Lydia and Lysa. Dont we all look good!
That's my Opa!
I like to pull a face at the camera, it's funny!
Uncle Fariz is tickling me, hehehe.
That's my Omi!

Just clowning around!

Me at Swenson's with my omi and the rest!

At Omi's house with Uncle Fariz and my two sisters.
Just checking if my two teeth are still there!!
Did I mention that it was Uncle Fariz's birthday? He's old already hehe
All wrapped up and cosy in my sister's bed
Eating ice-cream at Swenson's!